Helitak Daze
By Kadee33
  • Romance
  • adult
  • fighting
  • fire
  • firefighting
  • love
  • mature
  • military
  • non-teen


6/28/2012 Just a quick note, I called the real "Michael" and he is currently flying his helicopter, fighting the Colorado fires. Katlin is living her dream as a Helitak Foreman, in Yellowstone National Park, but for one thing. For two decades, she's searched for the one that got a away. A young pilot she was desparately in love with when she was 19. She knows that someday she will find him, but is giving up hope, when he walks back into her world, as a volunteer Army Blackhawk pilot, during the worst fires Yellowstone has ever seen. Can they clear up the past and start new? Is the spark still there or is he happily married by now? This is my first shot at a full-sized novel. This is an adult read and is semi-autobiographical. Kat and Michael are real (names changed) and so are the stories about their life in Ft Rucker, AL (to the best of my memory, anyway). Tony Becker, from Tour of Duty, is pretty much a ringer for a younger Michael. Tony has the same piercing blue eyes as "Michael". The background story, of the Yellowstone fire is also true, although it happened in 1988. Whenever you see a date, this is fact pulled from various sources, news, briefings, and personal accounts. I tried to give you some history on the fire and tried to portray Helitak for what they truly are. There are firefighters, hot shots, smoke jumpers and Helitak. Little is written about them, so I did my best. Hope you make it through the history lesson some of you may find it boring, but I think it will be a pretty good romance. - Kadee Please comment, edit, vote. I have the first few chapters finished. I'll post as I get votes and comments. Thanks All.

Helitak Daze - Chapter 1

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Helitak D...
by Kadee33