Ain't No Luna
By gypsydays
  • Werewolf
  • kidnapping
  • love
  • luna
  • mates
  • pack
  • pranks
  • romance
  • wars
  • werewolf


Carmen Santiago is the only daughter of the Alpha of Spring Valley Pack, one of the top five strongest packs in America. She's feisty and full of attitude and is Daddy's little girl. Basically, she's invincible. She's a prankster and a hot head and can't wait to piss of authority figures. But what happens when she finds out that her mate is the soon to be alpha of the strongest pack in America, will she drop her childish pranks and be the Luna the pack deserves? or will she continue to pull pranks and piss off anyone older than 22? and what happens when one of her pranks goes to far? Comments and criticism is always welcome as long as it's nice! February 2015: I just redid every single chapter of this story and added a couple of scenes as well, so if you've read it before you might want to check it out again! Thanks!

1-We're Up All Night To Get Lucky

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by gypsydays