Leader of the Pack
By jiilys
  • Teen Fiction
  • acciojiilys
  • leaderofthepack
  • romance
  • teenfiction


If you described Lexy King with a colour it would be grey, why? Because despite her shy and polite behaviour towards strangers she wasn't the good girl as everyone assumed. Sure, she's never skipped a day of school and would never think of breaking the law but is that really what makes someone a good girl? When Lexy moves to Australia she learns that this is indeed not what makes someone a good girl and when into Elliot one day her good girl image everyone sees starts to fade away. You see. The wolves aren't the kind of boys that would make a father too happy with his daughter for befriending. No, they are the definition of badass, they're name alone can make people shake with fear. And Elliot? Well, you could say he was the Leader of the Pack. [A/N: ok, I'll admit it. I know I suck at descriptions but please don't let the description put you off. Give it chance. Thanks, love you all <3] (NewA/N: Ok, i'm never gonna update this and the story sucks anyway so I wouldn't recconmend reading it but what I do recommend reading is a story called beauty and her beast which is a marauders era HP fanfiction that I am currently writing that will be up on my page soon!)

Leader of the Pack

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Leader of...
by jiilys