The Argent Twins
By teenwolf111424
  • Fanfiction
  • allison
  • argent
  • emily
  • teenwolf
  • twins
  • werewolf


The Argent family had been all over the world. They moved consistently, they almost never stayed in the same town, but when the Argents move into Beacon Hills they find it is the perfect place to raise their two daughters, Allison and Emily. Allison thought that their dad had sold firearms to the law enforcement, but really she was a part of a family that had been hunting werewolves for centuries. Emily on the other hand had know their secret for years. What will happen when the girls finally find out their families secret. Watch Emily and Derek's relationship develop more throughout the chapters, will the family business tare them away from each other, or will a jealous aunt come in and try to turn Emily and against Derek. Read on to find out what happens next,

Moving time!

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The Argen...
by teenwolf111424