Home Schooled
By gownew
  • Romance
  • drama
  • teenfiction


Juliana Lee is a home schooled girl who is very obedient of her strict parents. When she meets Nathan, a guy with a cold personality, who teaches her how to make decisions for herself, will she continue to obey their needs and rules, or will she stand up for herself and finally follow her own decisions? Story snippet: He grabbed me by the waist tightly and pulled me closer to him, "Don't you want me?" I could feel his breath on my lips, and my heart was starting to beat fast. I couldn't answer him, so I stood there with my head down trying to slow my breathing. "Hm? Why won't you answer me?" his grip became tighter. I lifted my eyes up slowly until it met his. His beautiful dark brown eyes hitting the sun changing it to a honey brown made me fall for him even more. "I-I don't know.. I don't know if I want you, Nathan." ----

Chapter 1

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Home Scho...
by gownew