The Guardian~Magnus...
By Evilvillains777
  • Fanfiction
  • aleclightwood
  • cityofbones
  • cityoffallenangels
  • clace
  • claryfray
  • cohf
  • herondale
  • isabellelightwood
  • jace
  • jocelynfairchild
  • luciangraymark
  • magnusbane
  • magnusbanelovestory
  • morgenstern
  • mortalinstruments
  • shadowhunters
  • sizzy
  • themortalinstruments
  • tmi
  • vampires
  • wattys2018


Alice Ravenblood is a different species of vampire. She can survive in sunlight and control her thirst. She is also a guardian assigned to Clary Fairchild. She gets pulled into the world of Valentine and the circle, she also begins to fall for a Warlock named Magnus Bane. <~~~~~~~~~~~> "Magnus, I have no idea what you mean. I believe I am fabulous," I smirked at the Warlock. He chuckled. "I know you are. You are almost as fabulous as myself." "So our fabulousness is combined and called love?" "Basically....but don't push it, I'm still a tiny bit more fabulous." I frowned at him and he smiled. "I'm just kidding, I love you." "I love you too." (Plot line follows more of the movie and books but also follows the TV show. I only own my characters, but everything else belongs to Cassandra Clare. Obviously spoiler alert for books, enjoy!)


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The Guard...
by Evilvillains777