Hall of Fame (Going...
By TheNameIsMark
  • Fanfiction
  • amour
  • amourshipping
  • ashxserena
  • pokemon
  • satosere


"How much do you want to become a Pokemon Master, Ash?" Lance asked Ash, who stopped to think for a moment about the question. "I would do anything to fulfil my dream" Ash replied, feeling that was what he desired. Lance stared back with a serious expression, his voice cold. "Would you leave your friends behind?" his voice rang out. "I...I..." Ash froze, unable to respond. Lance stared at Ash, like there was something he could say but he didn't want to say it, like it wasn't the right time. Lance went to speak but hesitated while Ash stood in silence, deep in thought over the previous question. ----- 1 Year after the events of Going For Glory, now 15-year old Ash Ketchum seeks to fulfil his dream. However, problems block his path and old friends and foes return for an encounter that could change the peace between Pokemon and Mankind forever. It is time.

Chapter 1 - Catching Up!

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Hall of F...
by TheNameIsMark