My Annoying Girl ||...
By sunshine_1021
  • Fanfiction
  • annoying
  • back
  • come
  • hawaii
  • kids
  • lovehate
  • lovestory
  • midori
  • myannoyinggirl
  • wattys2017
  • wedding
  • yanderedev
  • yanderesimulator
  • yandori


"Goodbye, YandereDev-- I mean, Alex" she whispered, a hint of sadness in her voice. I didn't answer answer and continued typing in my computer. As I heard the door closed, I sighed. 'I'm sorry, Midori. Someday, we'll see each other again soon...' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- YandereDev-- a.k.a Alex-- and Midori's fights have been worse lately. One day, Alex had enough of Midori and she got thrown out of the house by him. Years later... Midori changed. She became a lot more beautiful, more independent, confident and-- less annoying. She also had fallen in love with a boy named Hayato Haruki. However, Alex's life also changed--but not as exciting as Midori's. His life without Midori is boring. He wants her back in his life, but she already moved on... ...Will he get her back before it's too late? (Sequel is out! Title: My Only Love) DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN THE PICTURES THAT I USED FOR THE COVER.

Author's Note

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My Annoyi...
by sunshine_1021