Truly Unknown
By theAccentBeast
  • Teen Fiction
  • dumb
  • losers
  • theaccentbeast
  • truely
  • truly
  • ugly
  • unknown


"Shut the fuck up, Caroline!" Amy said to me, "No one would ever like you. Your just too ugly and stupid. You will never be popular." That was two years ago. Now I am one of the most pretty and popular girls in school. No one back sasses me. No one. Not even Amy, who is now is my best friend. Getting to the top was hard. Very hard, if I do say so myself. I had to give up a lot; appearance, grades, friends, basically who I am, to get where I am now. Now everyone want's to be friends with me, including boys, who two years ago never associated with me, unless they were going to harass me about my stupid red hair. But, all this comes with a high price. I lost who I truly am in all the lies and makeup I make every day for myself. I can never get the real me back, after all, it seems as if I have sold away my soul of who I am and in place of it I now have a bitch's soul. Bitch's soul or not, it made me pretty and popular after all. But, oh, I would do anything to get my old me back. Being a loser is better than where I am now. You can see a lot has change, obviously, but yet nobody else has change, really. Nobody but me. I changed into someone no one truly knows. I changed into someone that I don't even know.

Truly Unknown

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Truly Unk...
by theAccentBeast