The Immortales Proj...
By WildlyWritten
  • Science Fiction
  • alastair
  • andres
  • castell
  • corruption
  • crimson
  • death
  • dystopia
  • experiment
  • fight
  • immortales
  • julien
  • missions
  • mutant
  • paranormal
  • rebellion
  • scifi
  • teenager
  • war
  • warrior
  • weapon


The Immortales Project was once an experiment to test the limits of human genetics, twisting the former human into new genetically modified individuals called Immortales. Enhanced with superior speed, strength and intelligence, these new individuals have faulted the experiment, becoming too powerful to be contained in a lab much longer and have escaped and taken the world from the human's grasp. And that is how, two decades later, destruction and rebuilding is very evident. The Space Needle points towards the sky from miles under Puget Sound, the Great Wall of China is now six feet under and many cities were destroyed. Meanwhile in the golden capitals of the Immortales, humans are forced to be labor workers as the Immortales reside in gleaming mansions. But in the ruined cities of the west lie rumors of a rebellion plotting to overthrow the Immortales. Humans, escaped from the golden cities of the East have formed an encampment in the ruined cities of the West. That is where our story falls into place. Young Crimson Tamara Silvestre has been raised to believe that all the Immortales are terrible and heartless creatures. Raised in the ruins of Los Angeles, her father has been killed by the Immortales while she is raised to be a fearless warrior, ready to combat the Immortales. Teenager Castell Romulus Dante is one of the Immortales, however, he has been orphaned and now lies in the care of the One-Legged Man, looting and causing trouble to survive. He too has a vendetta against the Immortales, as they killed his parents as well. When Castell, on one of his new missions, discovers the rebellion in Los Angeles, he seeks to help. Aided by Alastair, the leader of the rebellion who has one eye and grudgingly helped by Crimson, together, they plan to overthrow the corrupt Immortales. Or die trying in the process.


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The Immor...
by WildlyWritten