The Misunderstood I...
By Maq1905
  • General Fiction
  • comedy
  • highschool
  • internet
  • love


Jakie Arks. The guy that a lot of young girls love, yet many hate. He isn't like he is on the Internet. He gets forced to do things by the press, like mess with his hair, wink. He doesn't want to as it's not like him in real life, but the press wants him to, forces him too! He's quite a shy guy in real life. He doesn't like hanging out with people and all. Back to the story... Most people at his school absolutely hate him. They bullied him ever since his videos went viral. It affected him so much that he's moving schools, to a new town and a new place, ready to start a new beginning. Sophomore year. Yikes. He wears his glasses instead of his contact lenses to school, hoping no one would notice who he is. Let's hope it works. Operation stay away from everyone. (P.S. I will be using Jacob Sartorius as Jakie, since he's half based on him and I envision him to look a bit like him. Don't hate me please )

Chapter 1: Operation stay low profile

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The Misun...
by Maq1905