[TAENYFic] Pretendi...
By moonlight_kim
  • Romance
  • hate
  • hurt
  • love
  • pretending
  • relationship
  • taeny
  • taetae
  • tiffany


Description "What are you doing just now?!" "What? i was just pretending." "Yeah, like always. because that was all you can do." "No, that is all we can and will do." "Sometimes you're confusing the hell out of me. with all of the act and pretend that you, i mean, we did. even sometimes it's too hard to understand the reality." "Then don't. don't try to understand. just go with the flow, with the scenario given to us. don't make things become more complicated than it already is." "I hate you." and now i'm pretending again.. pretending to hate you. the thing that used to be reality for me. But not anymore. And since when that reality changed? "I know, and i hate you too." you said while smiling sweetly at me. is that an act too? just another pretense? or you're being serious right now? your words did not walk in sync with your action lately, just like now. your mouth said you hate me, but then the same mouth form a sweet smile for me afterward. then how am i supposed to understand the reality when you're acting so grey like this. Foreword Skinship between the members of a group usually considered as a fanservice. A service to make the fans happy. Will Taeyeon and Tiffany able to pull off such stunt for the sake of the little drama created by their company? They hate each other right from the start, or so they thought. But fate bring another misfortune for the two. They have to keep doing skinship whenever the camera is on or when there is fan watching over them. Will they able to play their role well? Will they succed in pretending? (Not mine. Take from asia fanfiction)


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by moonlight_kim