A Thugs Lovin'
By _LeooTheoo
  • Romance


A Thugs Lovin' ™ ⓒAll Copyright Reserved - By; LeooTheoo WARNING , Parents Strongly Caution : Strong Language & Sexual Content. Erika is a girl, who had it going good for herself. Her school grades, her upcoming dancing carrer and ever her friends. Demontre is a big time durg dealer. Everyone knew him and he had it all. Money, Hoes, Houses, Cars, Power you name it. He the type of dog ass nigga that grab hoes, fuck them then throw them away just like that. Erika was diffrent though, she had more of an challenge wich made him wanna chase her for a bit just cause other hoes started to get to easy wich was kinda boring for him. When the two cross paths, what will happen ? Or better yet what would everybody have to say about them ? Will Erika fall for a thugs lovin' ?

A Thugs Lovin'

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A Thugs L...
by _LeooTheoo