Shiny; a Pokemon ad...
By Evvycat
  • Fanfiction


In the beginning, before even the first prehistoric Pokemon had entered into their place in history, there was type energy, radiating throughout the Pokemon universe in the form of seventeen type plates. And there was also, the energy's vessel, Arceus. With his immense power he channeled the type energy from the 17 plates into the creation of life and when his work concluded, he scattered the plates across the world to be kept under the watchful eyes of guardians whom he granted a small portion of his special power. The guardians are known today as shinies. In the present day, the shinies are still an extremely rare minority amongst the rest of the Pokemon but there are now many more than just seventeen guardians. The other shinies live as normal citizens, just trying to fit in... Until they started to go missing. Silent intruders have began to kidnap shinies, taking them to an unknown location for an unknown cause. When a vulpix and a shinx are born shiny they are snatched from their homes. Only to escape from the villainous clutches of their captors to start anew in the forest village of oakgrove, dreaming of adventure. But little do they realise of the adventure that awaits them, how they must awaken the power bestowed on them by Arceus and realise their destiny in stopping the evil plots of their kidnappers.

Shiny; a Pokemon adventure

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Shiny; a...
by Evvycat