A Hero from the Sha...
By JakeMaximoff
  • Science Fiction


I was just a normal geeky boy back then Before, I was a greedy, reckless, spoiled, little brat cause' of all the things I had when I was young. But I still believe of doing some good although my appearance to others was not fitting Because of all of the incidents that happened in my life, it changed my perceptions, ideals, goals, and so are my responsibilities. My words was put into actions and turned out to be more upright than my previous encounters It changed me as an individual living in a world full of mysteries, mishaps, and wonders. And I assure you, I'm not one of the heroes that have dorky suits with their underwear showing for all of us to see. But If there's havoc and chaos lurking around, you'll count on him to kick all their asses to jail. You'll never see him coming, and if you do... you're seriously in deep trouble. They didn't know that a hero was born from all these... A Hero from the Shadows Written By: Author All rights and reserved


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A Hero fr...
by JakeMaximoff