NightStalker: My Da...
By JJCBlogger2000
  • Paranormal
  • death
  • humor
  • night
  • stalker


Every high school has that one dude who all the girls idolize! well in Clifton High school, 17 year old Ian is the praised prince of the palace! He's handsome, talented, charming, he's the whole package! Except for one tiny detail, he breaks hearts a million a minute! His high school life was pretty normal...until one night he started getting terrible nightmares of a strange hooded figure out to get him, and each night... it would.. After being killed so many 100 times, he had had enough and prayed to the big dude up in the sky. He wished that he could please find a way to sort out all these night mares. That very night, the hooded figure revealed itself to be a young girl of 16 with blazing red hair and crimson eyes. The Black Rose NightStalker. But how the heck is this scary girl going to help him? All she does his stalk him and kill him in his nightmares and where ever he looks... SHE'S THERE! Even trying to report her was no use, no one else could see her. He tried 'getting rid' of her himself....that didn't end well. At last she explains that he had to stop crushing the hearts of all those girls. But being a man of his high status and reputation, he's gone too far. How will he change his heart breaking ways? Will he ever get rid of this demon? and when he does, will their relationship really still be just frenemies?


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by JJCBlogger2000