Major Deaths of the...
By RaideroftheLostVader
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Tomorrow is May the 4th. (A.K.A. Star Wars Day.) It's a day where I watch all the Stars Wars movies. But this year, on May 3rd, I watched all the major deaths that have occurred in the movies, in the order of each movie's original theatrical release. (That's also the order I'll the watching the whole movies in tomorrow. Yes, I do in fact prefer to watch them in original release order. And I mean no offense to people who watch them in episodic, numerical order.) But the way I'll be presenting the deaths is from how I see them in order of least depressing to most depressing. Now, keep in mind these are all just my personal opinions. Feel free to agree or disagree if you like, but don't be mean about it. BTW, I'm only including deaths that have happened in the seven feature films. No books, video games, Clone Wars or Rebels. I have nothing against all those things, but I feel it'll be easiest for me if I only do movie deaths. Speaking of Clone Wars and Rebels, Darth Maul's death from The Phantom Menace isn't on here, seeing as he came back in Clone Wars and Rebels. Neither will the death of Zam Wessel, the female bounty hunter from Attack of the Clones. This is because my DVD of AOTC always skips at that part, and her death never really had that much of an effect on me. However I will be including Boba Fett's death in Return of the Jedi. I know about the debates concerning this, but I, personally, have yet to be convinced that he actually survived the Sarlacc. All other deaths, though, are fair game. MAJOR SPOILERS! (And not just for The Force Awakens, but all the movies.)

Death Number 23: Emperor Palpatine (Return of the Jedi.)

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Major Dea...
by RaideroftheLostVader