The sick man and hi...
By Thhennie
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There was once a man who had a hard life he worked to working all day he was a bean. One day the man was sick so he called fetern her and asked if he could pase animals for him. Next day came his cousin to his cousin struggled practice annually. His shoes were ødlagte next day he as a network or hadnt bought new nick shoes to all stuff. The second day was lit easier for him when he was joined by the father of the sick man then became cousin happy. The third day he was free then it was May 1st to when it is the workers who got free so when he went to Oslo to bought himself some Ortner working shoes. The 4th day the man came to bake to his hvar fresh so they went out fishing he did not so much but it was enough to feed two men.

The farmer who forlengte food in oslo

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The sick...
by Thhennie