Insanity Black
By Social_Introvert
  • Science Fiction
  • black
  • crazy
  • death
  • girlxgirl
  • insanity
  • lesbian
  • madness
  • pirates
  • planets
  • political
  • sciencefiction
  • ships
  • space
  • spaceships
  • theblack


The Black, an expanse of darkness, insanity and death. All those who enter will never leave. It is the Bermuda Triangle of space. But what if something did come out? The Vyner Brooke, a type of space ship that was taken out of commission years ago, wandered out of The Black after years of being inside it, with only one person out 200 still alive on board. Captain Scarlet has a past no one wants to know. Insanity and madness fills her mind as The Black continues to plague her mind with screams, blood and death from her past. After coming out of The Black she find people to become part of her crew, not by choice though, and they go through the galaxy fighting off space pirates and doing odd jobs here and there. Her crew doesn't know her past but still trust and respect her with all of their being, doing as she says and fighting for her. The latest job though forces Scarlet to relive her experiences but none of them are happy and could possibly break the thin thread of sanity she has left in her. Can the two people she is meant to protect actually be the ones to save her?

4028 A.D

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by Social_Introvert