Stone Cold ☾ Siri...
By jerseywritings
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • harrypotter
  • jamespotter
  • lilyevans
  • marauders
  • peterpettigrew
  • remuslupin
  • siriusblack
  • themarauders


Meredith was just a girl...sort of. With her quarter-veela blood, she was only a 75% human being living in France with her mother and step-father. A year ago, her father died from an accident at the Ministry. To this day, she still didn't know the whole story of what happened. The only thing he left behind was a necklace with a red stone he'd given her years ago. Now, she wore it every second of every day. To bed, in the shower, even with her baby blue Beauxbatons uniform during the school year. But, her fifth year got cut short. Dumbledore did not usually accept transfers, but the conversation Meredith did not know about between her mother and himself, he made an exception. Now having to adjust from the elegance of Beauxbatons to the simplicity of Hogwarts, Meredith never knew what was coming her way. The past, present, and future, a little bit of boys, friends, and of course...magic.


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Stone Col...
by jerseywritings