Hark: A Hauteur
By creative-fangirl
  • Fantasy
  • campnanowrimo
  • campnanowrimoapril
  • cliche
  • comedy
  • fantasy
  • humor
  • satire


Poncy Boggs has always thought that she was destined for more. Apparently, so did some higher being. Lord Baddie is bent on the domination of a pint-sized town by the name of Fenric Valley--and, so it seems, for no good reason. Poncy must travel beyond boundaries she didn't even know existed to prevent Baddie from destroying her home and neighbors. Venture with her as she goes on a quest of self-discovery, magic, and (naturally) true love. Or is it? Inspired by the hundreds of fantasy cliches, Hark: A Hauteur will have you cheering for a third party: in which the characters would just cease their bickering and all go home. Dear reader, it doesn't end there. It never does. *There is mild language and crude humor, if that's not your thing, it's probably best not to read. That said, any and all criticism will be terribly helpful.*

Chapter 1

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Hark: A H...
by creative-fangirl