Don't Let Me G...
By Pennymickey
  • Fanfiction
  • best
  • bse
  • direction
  • ever
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • georgia
  • harry
  • marcel
  • one
  • rose
  • song
  • styles


Marcel Styles and Georgia Rose Brittingham were best friends, ever since the day they met in preschool. As kids, they did everything together and had no cares in the world about popularity or looks, just like it's supposed to be. However, things never stay the way they're supposed to be, do they? As they grow older and enter high school, everything changes. Marcel becomes an awkward, lanky geek who wears sweater vests and nerdy glasses, with tape on them to complete the look. His hair is so waxy that it looks like it could belong in Madame Tussauds. Obsessed with his grades and preparing for college, he's an obvious target for ridicule from his peers. Georgia Rose, on the other hand, becomes a drop-dead gorgeous blonde, whose obsessions include all the latest trends. She'll do whatever it takes to fit in – including leaving Marcel to fend for his own. She's captain of the cheerleading and volleyball teams and appears to have the ideal life that most teenagers would kill for... But is something deep down killing her? When the taunting and bullying becomes too much for Marcel to handle, will Georgia Rose step in to help her childhood friend, despite the social downfall it will cause her? They've both let go of their past and of each other. Or have they?


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by Pennymickey