By IWrite_1
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • attraction
  • betrayal
  • heartbrokenlove
  • ignorance
  • innocentlove
  • lostsoul
  • magical
  • obsessed
  • pain
  • pen
  • play
  • revenge
  • sheya
  • time-passlove
  • writer


### HIGHEST RATING: #82 ### For the simplistic AVERAGE Indian girl Sneha Chauhan, winning the Rona Rosa Award had always been her dream. And now, she won it. But, was that dream really worth all that she sacrificed? Was all the sadness, loneliness, and the mask she was forced to put on for the world, really worth that one trophy? The world kills her every single day. Can she end it, by killing herself, at one go? Because the world doesn't understand how much they hurt her by praising her vivid imagination, because it isn't imagination in the least, but her own life story. And all of this- due to one man. Aarav. She had lost all she had ever cared about, her friends, family, and most of all, herself, she was only left with sadness, solitary, and fame now. After having achieved the goal of her life, she jumps from the balcony of her 110 floor apartment, and commits suicide. There are only two people who know the real story, of Sneha's real face behind the rude, and mean girl she always pretended to be: 1. Aarav Singhania, the RICH business tycoon- the person she had so pitifully fallen for, that she had lost the thing which mattered most, her own self. 2. Abhinav Sinha, the good guy- the person who had been there for her since schooldays as a friend and secret lover. Secrets are revealed and the deep truth comes in sight.. All credits for the plot go to @_MagicalPen_. All credits for the way it is written go to @IWrite_1

1. Not anymore

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by IWrite_1