Grub Plans (GHB x S...
By Iquena
  • Romance
  • ghb
  • homestuck
  • redrom
  • signless
  • sufferer


GHB x Sufferer Oneshot (cover is my artwork) I jolt up, a few fireflies flying around my head, startled. My ears perk up, straining for any noise drifting through the silence. I hear a heavy breath and turn, noticing a snoring center lusus. I sigh, looking up into the trees, slightly parted, showing the glowing moon. "... honk..." I freeze, the soft noise echoing around the clearing. I feel every muscle in my body tense, my blood pumper freeze as my vies ran cold. I tried to gold my breath, eventually taking a few short breaths, trying to convince myself i had heard wrong. Footsteps neared, startling a fairy bull, making it fly off into the forest, snorting. The center, tired, not waking quite yet. I glance at it, pleading it not to move and give away our position The steps halt and i allow a breath past my quivering lips, feeding my hungry lungs. "..Honk...." i freeze again, then move slightly, crawling backwards, trying to make it to the undergrowth. A sharp rock juts into my palm, and i bite my lip, surpassing the scream, i whimper. The centaur is awake now, and beginning to get up, head whipping back and forth. It spots me, and growls, its mustache twitching as it snarls. I try to shush it, but it becomes aggravated, balling its fists. The footsteps come closer, right outside of the clearing, and i cursed, jolting to my feet and making a mad dash for the tree line.


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Grub Plan...
by Iquena