The Winged Creature
By MrsFaveAuthor
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • amazonkindle
  • comedy
  • complete
  • cute
  • fanfic
  • fantasy
  • fate
  • fiction
  • heartwarming
  • hidden
  • kindle
  • love
  • newbeginning
  • novel
  • poetry
  • romance
  • teenfiction
  • truelove
  • violence


"Decisions shape your destiny; it is in the moments of indecision that fate takes over." ~By Mark Amend The feeling I have been waiting for, forever finally hits me; the feeling of belonging. Through the turns and twists of fate, I finally found myself. A girl, rejected by her family has not much to live for. A former nurse who is looked down upon by her entire family. One day she finds a mysterious, winged creature in her alleyway that changes her life completely. Her boring life turns more exciting and she goes through twist and turns as she takes the path of fate. *** Here is a sample of The Winged Creature, the whole version is up on Amazon Kindle. GO check it out! --> *** I would put the copyright disclaimer here, but no one reads that anyway. I will just say, DO NOT copy this story or I will FIND YOU. If you can't get together the creativity to come up with your own ideas and resort to stealing other people's work, then maybe you shouldn't be a writer... #sorrynotsorry I seriously appreciate all the kind words and feedback you guys give me, and to all the people that stuck by my book until it was finished. You guys are a big part in this book. Thank you so much guys, the support you give me means a lot!

Finding the Winged Creature

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The Winge...
by MrsFaveAuthor