The Gap
By HollisMayer
  • General Fiction
  • clean
  • family
  • neighbor
  • rehab


A gap can be many things: a break, disparity, lack of balance, space between two people or things. Whatever the meaning, it could apply to Eliza Jane Kerr. She wasn't looking for a time-out from her 'real' life, but she doesn't mind a short respite to make new goals, and to refine old ones. When an unexpected visit home turns into a complete change of circumstance, she finds her goals no longer matter. Stepping away from a promising career, or at least taking a break from one, Eliza shows she's up to the challenges that come with her newly acquired responsibilities. With humor, love, and big dose of perseverance, she lays a foundation for the life she will live. --- A/N: If you came in search of a story about a lost weak girl looking for a tall, dark, handsome man to protect her, then you are in the wrong place. I promise this is not a tale of a defenseless woman that needs someone to save her. She's just taking the mantle and starting over, with her positive attitude and self-esteem still firmly in place.

The Gap - Chapter 1

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The Gap
by HollisMayer