A Practical Guide t...
By SamuelGan
  • Non-Fiction
  • apologetics
  • christ
  • divinity
  • evolution
  • god
  • homosexuality
  • intelligent
  • jesus
  • jews
  • kjv
  • knowledge
  • philsophy
  • responsibility
  • science
  • scripture
  • theology
  • wisdom


Why do so many people on this planet believe in a divine being? Is it logical to believe in one? There are so many claims by so many religions, so which is real and logical? Religious sects cannot even agree amongst themselves on doctrines, how can there be a One true divine being then? Why do Christians believe this? Can 'evolution' and 'God' co-exist? This book uses logic and modern day examples to explain the numerous questions that may flood atheists, agnostics and Christians alike. The first section deals with the logic of a divine being, the second deals with specific issues in Christianity, and the third section contains some of the personal psalms and reflections on things that a Christian might face and struggle. Each section contains a collection of articles, some academic, some reflective, and some argumentative. As society progresses in the direction of science and technology, logic and scientific validation plays an increasing role in everyday thought processes. In the scientific and logical world, religion, faith, and beliefs get continuously challenged. Many once-faithful Christians may begin to question their Christian beliefs, or get confused on the validity of the numerous doctrines and teachings of various Christian sects. Similarly, the agnostic is thrown into confusion amongst the claims of many religions and their sects on the 'Truth'. On the other end of the spectrum, the hard-core atheist begins to question the intelligence of more than 50 % of the world population that believe in some sort of divine being(s). The book utilizes logical arguments, and expositions of modern day examples in hopes to bring a clearer picture to issues dealing with a divine creator, the search for the truth, and certain issues in Christianity.

Author's note

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A Practic...
by SamuelGan