PewDieCry: A Thousa...
By CharIene
  • Fanfiction
  • chaoticmonki
  • cry
  • cryaotic
  • pewdiecry
  • pewdiepie
  • roadtrip


It’s so damn annoying. Cry never had anything against Pewdie, his laugh, his hair, his normal clothing or that creepy facial expression he pulls sometimes. Actually, he liked Pewdie since the first time they met. He’s the kind of guy who can talk and do whatever he wants without caring about what other people think. Pewdie is, well.. Pewdie. He’s unique, eccentric, bouncy, crazy and shameless, especially shameless. Cry learned to accept this, including all those things in the wonderful package of friendship he received. Not that he needed much practice, since he spends most of his time with the sugar and video game addicted human hurricane. But not this time. Cry always managed to avoid it, so why does Pewdie have to put an end to this peace? Pewdie is planning a road trip across the American states as a proper introduction to him visiting the freedom country. Cry, being the best friend, and tag along of the duo, has been forced to say anything but no.

Chapter 1: Convincement

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by CharIene