Authentic Christian...
By SammyCrimson
  • Spiritual
  • christ
  • christian
  • christianity
  • jesus
  • love
  • spirituality


The world is changing. Economic systems are collapsing. Everything humanity tailored is crashing before your eyes. Governments are corrupt and preachers are dancing to a different tune. Almost a fraction of the youth is leaving church because religion is no longer relevant. Everyone is uncertain of the future. Should we pray more or worship more? Imagine you had the divine capabilities to change all these for the better. Imagine you could rebuild the collapsing walls of Christianity. Imagine the voice of God sounding over your head saying “You are my child and in you I am well pleased”. Imagine Jesus smiling at you for a job well done, a life well lived. Imagine you could do all that Jesus was able to do, and more. Now stop imagining because this book contains sacred truths that will teach you how to activate your divine abilities and transition to a divine life.

Authentic Christianity: A transition to divinity

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by SammyCrimson