+ Size Love (BxB)
By UnlovableBitch9785
  • Romance
  • baking
  • bromance
  • choices
  • chubbylove
  • gay
  • life
  • manxman
  • passion
  • romance
  • sexy
  • sweet
  • truelove


Autumn Wings is chubby and gay. With thick layers of fat underneath his tigh,arm,stomach and a love for cake, Autumn know what he looks like. He had been bullied all his years throughout high school and college as his life is nothing but stick and stone just because his heavier than anyone else. Now, at the age of 28, Autumn is lonely, horny and a hopelessly romantic virgin. But what happen when a sexy and ridiculously passionate Italian vet walk into the cafe he work and see Autumn for what he is instead of what he looks like? Then, there's his straight jock best friend who had desperately confessed his love to Autumn and to add to that, his cold and quiet boss keep staring at him for no reason whatsoever. For years in Autumn live, he is gonna fall in love but a) Mr.Italiano is just too hardcore b) he never thought of his best friend that way and c) his boss is just too emotionless. From being lonely, Autumn life is now nothing but coloured by the men who loved him.

Chapter 1

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by UnlovableBitch9785