My Badboy Possessiv...
By Fernandina28
  • Teen Fiction
  • assassin
  • badboy
  • love
  • mine
  • possessive
  • racers
  • street
  • supernatural


What happened if a badboy like the mystery girl we don't know right so let found out? Meet Brayan Martinez who is 20 year olds, he is a badboy at West Virginia high school. He do the bad things at school like smoking at the hallway & fighting because you messed with him he will hurt you back. He really like the girl who just being herself. Also, she will be his when he get to know her on the first time. Meet Jessie Marin who is 19 year olds, she is cold-heart & badass but also she is a street racer why? because it her passion. Jessie want to find right guy for her but she don't know if she ready to have a relationship. She and her three friends have dark secret That Bad Boys don't know. So what happened if they cross path each other, it will be love,jealous, or hate towards each other?

My Badboy Possessive

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My Badboy...
by Fernandina28