Vibrating Vinny
By bbflakesroxsox
  • Romance


Summary: You know that name game in school where you are supposed to think of a word that starts with the first letter of your name to say with your name? Like 'Pretty Penny' or 'Cool Colton'? Imagine the 1st Grade teacher, Mrs. Stultz's surprise when the young Vincent Sinclair proclaimed his to be 'Vibrating Vinny'. Sex-god looks? Check. Enough wealth to support a small country? Check. Photographic memory and therefore intimidatingly smart? Check. Athletic and has the Agility of a Ninja? Check. The charisma of a public voted for King? Check. Pervert? Double Check. Really, Vinny has too much power. Not that his always abroad parents mind, they are quite proud of their only son, who will be the heir to their company and their fortune. But others see him as a threat. And therefore he must get bodyguards. But females? Obviously they would only accept the job if they wanted him to get in their their pants. Because he will. Or will his pervertedness finally be unsatisfied?

Vibrating Vinny

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by bbflakesroxsox