Sweet Blood, Sour L...
By Paijah12_youngwriter
  • Vampire


Skylar Buckle has a normal life. Compared to some other lives, hers is 85% normal. Skylar lives in Sydney, Australia with her mom, step-dad, and twin brother. She's not a big fantasy believer, but when the fantasy worl comes tobe true, she doesn't know what to believe. She is to carry around this secret, so huge, that is not hers to tell, not even the secret's original person. With a vamprie she's just met, she has fate, lust, and love all wrapped up in one hand, but unwanted destiny, hatred, and mistakes balled up into the other, her life goes from normal, to something way more than what she expected. Follow Skylar through this unwanted, to unimaginable life of unthinkable happenings. This is not just some cheesey, depressing vampire love story. It's her life, her side of her story, and she's telling it first.

Sweet Blood, Sour Love

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Sweet Blo...
by Paijah12_youngwriter