the stars are bright
By aerialovely
  • Teen Fiction
  • 80s
  • 80smovies
  • acting
  • actors
  • art
  • artist
  • artists
  • celebrities
  • fame
  • love
  • mixedmedia
  • movies
  • passion
  • romance
  • stars
  • universe
  • youngadult
  • younglove


"We should do something," Cameron spoke at last. I looked up at him finally to see a wide smile on his face. He crumpled the now empty cookie box in his hands and tossed it, making a three-pointer into the nearest trash can, before sliding off the mushroom and dusting his hands on his pants. He turned to look up at me as I sat rigid on that cold bronze mushroom, unsure whether doing anything with him that night would be such a good thing. "I don't know," I said. "What did you have in mind?" He gave me a wide grin as he extended his hand in an offer to help me down. I can't possibly explain to you what I was thinking or why I took his hand. It was just one of those moments, you know? Before I knew it, I hopped off the mushroom as he whispered to the wind, "Anything."


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the stars...
by aerialovely