The Ways in Which W...
By LadyKurdle
- Poetry
- 1930s
- abandoned
- abuse
- abused
- abusiveboyfriend
- agony
- alice
- alone
- angels
- angry
- arrogance
- arrogant
- art
- artistry
- balance
- barefeet
- barefoot
- barren
- beach
- beautiful
- beautifully
- beauty
- bed
- bird
- birds
- blood
- boxes
- brain
- breathe
- breeze
- brilliant
- broken
- brokenhearted
- brokenmind
- buddha
- buddhist
- bullies
- bully
- bullying
- cage
- calm
- cancer
- change
- chaos
- cheater
- childabuse
- chocolate
- christmas
- circus
- class
- clouds
- collected
- colors
- comfort
- consumed
- corrupt
- corruption
- crazy
- cruel
- cruelty
- crush
- cry
- curls
- cut
- cutting
- dance
- dancing
- dark
- death
- deathbed
- deep
- delusions
- demon
- depressed
- desperate
- direction
- disguise
- disgust
- disturbing
- dog
- downwarddog
- drama
- dream
- dreamofchange
- dreams
- dust
- dying
- earth
- effort
- elderly
- embracingdeath
- emotional
- emotionalabuse
- empathy
- emptiness
- empty
- english
- enlightenment
- evil
- execute
- eyes
- falls
- family
- famous
- fear
- feathers
- fedora
- fire
- fly
- follow4follow
- footprints
- ford
- forgotten
- friends
- frost
- frostbitten
- frozen
- fuckyou
- game
- gameoflife
- gamepiece
- gameplay
- genius
- ghost
- gift
- gifted
- girl
- gloomy
- god
- goodpoems
- grandchildren
- grass
- greed
- grief
- grow
- happiness
- hat
- hate
- hatter
- health
- healthy
- heartache
- heartbreak
- hearts
- heaven
- help
- helpless
- helplessness
- helpme
- hoarder
- hoarding
- holes
- home
- hope
- hopeless
- horrific
- horror
- hospital
- humanbeing
- humanity
- humble
- hurt
- ice
- icicles
- ignorance
- ignorant
- ill
- individuals
- inhumane
- insane
- insanity
- insight
- insults
- intellect
- joy
- kiss
- lake
- learn
- leaves
- lies
- life
- lifeless
- lifesupport
- lights
- lisa
- lonely
- loss
- lost
- lostdreams
- love
- loveforever
- loveless
- mad
- madhatter
- man
- mass
- meditation
- memories
- mental
- mentally
- mentor
- mess
- metaphor
- mind
- mindful
- minds
- mom
- mona
- money
- monster
- mother
- motivation
- namaste
- name
- nature
- neglect
- nurse
- observe
- ocean
- old
- openeyes
- openmind
- pain
- palms
- paradise
- paradox
- patience
- peace
- perfect
- physical
- pillow
- poems
- poor
- pose
- posttraumatic
- posttraumaticstress
- practice
- prayer
- psychological
- psychology
- puzzle
- queen
- radiant
- rain
- rainclouds
- reality
- red
- regret
- rejuvenated
- rejuvenation
- rich
- ringmaster
- roadblock
- rose
- roses
- sad
- saddening
- sadness
- sadpoems
- sand
- sandman
- schizophrenic
- school
- serenity
- shadow
- shaken
- shore
- sickness
- sister
- sisterhood
- slashing
- sleeping
- smile
- smirk
- snores
- snow
- snowflake
- soar
- society
- soft
- solitude
- sorrows
- soul
- special
- stance
- stars
- stepback
- strangers
- streetlamp
- strength
- suburban
- success
- sun
- teacher
- teacherxstudent
- tear-jerker
- tears
- teen
- teenage
- teenagers
- thankful
- theatrical
- thorns
- thought
- tide
- tree
- trees
- trembling
- truama
- truelove
- truestory
- tulips
- twisted
- umbrella
- understanding
- university
- vibrant
- violent
- virtue
- voices
- war
- warm
- warrior
- waves
- weakness
- whisper
- wife
- wilted
- wind
- windows
- wings
- wisdom
- woman
- wonderland
- world
- yellow
- yoga
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Poetry to nourish the soul and mind, for better or worse.
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