Odd Bob
By DenisMartin
  • Action
  • action
  • comedy
  • drama
  • fantasy
  • paranormal


a science-fiction-comedy-action story that I dreamed. I hope you enjoy, and leave a comment with your opinion, it would help a lot for the future chapters :D if there will be any future chapters PS: sorry for the grammar mistakes, or any other mistakes, english isn't my native language >< DESCRIPTION: Well, everything was happening in here, my room, my house, my village, my country, everything, but me, wasn't exactly me, I wasnt me, I was another person, I looked alike the guy that plays Chuck in the "chuck" series. Do you know that guy? Yeah, that guy. Anyways, so, when I was little, I had a car crash...mom died instantly, and so did my dad later in the hospital,so, I was left living with my grandparents. I knew my mom was gone, but I kept seeing her, day after day. At church, at home, at the bus station, everywhere. Grandma said it was just in my mind, and that I needed to let her go, and I did it, and I never saw my mom ever since. Years later, I was a teenager. I had my best-friend coming over, so I went to open the door for him. " 'Sup Bob...yo, are you alright, you look like you've seen a ghost", said he while waving his hand in front of my eyes. But little did he know that I actually did, I saw...my mom....

Odd Life Of Bob

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Odd Bob
by DenisMartin