Our Love
By love234
  • Fanfiction
  • harrystyles
  • larry
  • larrystylinson
  • larrystylinsonfanfic
  • larrystylinsonfanfiction
  • louistomlinson
  • lourrystylinson


Sick of it, they were sick of it all. They were sick of the drama, the lies, and the constant attention. Sure, being famous is something that everyone dreams of, but once it gets to the point where you can't even go outside without half a dozen body guards, all you really want is your old life back. When you're famous, there is no privacy. Every single one of your embarrassing moments or mistakes is broadcasted for the world to see. Everything that happens in your life gets eaten up by the press. Huge stories develop from the simplest things, most stories are nothing but fake, but what happens when they are true? What happens with the smallest thing is actually a big deal? What happens when the press develop a large story and IT'S ALL TRUE? The answer is... People get hurt. People get really hurt.

Our Love

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Our Love
by love234