The Matchmaker'...
By CaitlynRachelC
- Romance
- adam
- adventure
- ambush
- apology
- arguement
- aubrey
- awake
- baby
- bad
- barrel
- break
- brother
- bullet
- camp
- capture
- cards
- care
- cattle
- cattle-drive
- chuck-wagon
- closure
- coffee
- cook
- couple
- cowboy
- creek
- cute
- danger
- dead
- death
- deputy
- dishes
- doctor
- dominant
- drag
- dream
- drince
- drive
- end
- ended
- ending
- enemies
- enemy
- erik
- evil
- family
- father
- fire
- flashback
- forgiven
- found
- frog
- ghost
- glory
- god
- greed
- grief
- grudge
- guard
- guilt
- gun
- hands
- hate
- healing
- heart
- help
- herd
- home
- hope
- house
- hurt
- husband
- indian
- injury
- jane
- journey
- kansas
- kate
- katie
- kids
- know
- labor
- law
- leave
- letter
- letting-go
- love
- mark
- match
- matchmaker
- meeting
- memories
- memory
- men
- mesa
- miss
- missing
- money
- morning
- murder
- no-good
- oklahoma
- pain
- past
- pay
- perfect
- plan
- prayer
- prisoners
- ranch
- recall
- release
- revenge
- ride
- robbery
- salvation
- scene
- search
- secret
- secretive
- shot
- showdown
- sick
- silence
- sleep
- sneak
- start
- starting
- steer
- sunset
- surprise
- suspect
- sweet
- talk
- tease
- texas
- toni
- town
- tracking
- tracks
- trouble
- truth
- uncle
- wade
- wagon
- walk
- wedding
- western
- wife
- win
- words
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“Where is revenge going to get you, Adam? What’s it going to prove?” Katie asked. “He killed my brother, Kate. I won’t rest until I bring him to justice” “By murder?” The determination in Adam’s eyes gave Katie little hope of changing his mind. He said nothing but stared at her as if the thought of murder was completely foreign to him. “That’s exactly what you’ll be doing, Adam” Katie warned. Adam’s jaw clenched and he nodded in determination. “Then so be it.”
The Matchmaker's Match
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