Work For Me
By coolwriter5
  • Romance
  • billionaire
  • humor
  • poor
  • rich
  • romance


"Work for me." At first I wasn't sure if I had heard right. Me? Work for Rich Guy? In his billionaire company? Why on Earth would he need someone like me around? "Is this a joke?" I asked, sitting up. "No." Rich Guy said, staring down at me. "You'll be my personal assistant. Meaning you have to do whatever I ask you to. Until I decide your debt has been paid off." "Are you serious? That's like, child labor! There are laws against that you know. Slavery was banned in-" "You'll be getting paid." "Alright, cool, yeah, I'm in." I immediately said, nodding. Even if he was just going to pay me minimum wage, at least it would be something. It would definitely be more than what I had now. Plus, even though I was good at the criminal life, I didn't really want to spend the rest of my years stealing from rich people. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex, a 19 year old dorky girl, is tired of the harsh cruelties of the world. Her poor lifestyle of living day to day on a few measly dollars all changes when a sudden turn of events puts her in dept to Grant Preston, the 22 year old CEO of an international billionaire company. However, working for a man that may just drive Alex insane is just the start of her problems.

Chapter 1

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Work For...
by coolwriter5