Forever with you. C...
By MythsofLegends
  • Fanfiction
  • armen
  • drake
  • herobrine
  • rejectedshotgun
  • thehaunted


First the diary. Then losing of a friend, a brother. Now, the consequences. Collin's diary is always on Drake's mind. The poor boy was corrupted by Him. The name shall never be forgotten, let alone said. And when Armen died a second time, when Drake destroyed the magic Diamond, some thing is a little off. Grayson has been running from the Empire since they all had split up and left each other back in the Magic Library. Mia has been with her family. Though she is heart broken by her friends lost, she said she'll never forget the stories about Armen and Drake. Even her crush, Grayson. What happens if Collin didn't pass way. What about Armen ? Is he out there, is He still haunting them? What about Drake, his headaches are worse, who's the girl who Drake sees in the woods? Is Armen and his brother.........alive?

The Diary

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Forever w...
by MythsofLegends