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By YeOldConfederate
  • Horror


The year is 2089 it's been 3 years since the beginning of a Zombie Apocalypse caused by an unknown virus that has manged to wipe the world clean of human, animal, and plants. Destroying life as we knew it. So far no survivors have been found. Those who were lucky enough to have their bones licked clean and tossed away were the lucky victims in this matter. Those that escaped are the ones that really suffer. The ones that escape live with the memories of what truly happened. And those who saw the disaster saw their loved ones die are haunted. Without feeling, lost wandering the earth in search of soemthing that might not be there. They're known as Wanderers. Some of these escapers even if joined together eventually kill everyone in the room due to the fact that madness catches up quicker than realization. Soon their thoughts become clouded and they can't tell the difference between reality and a dream. Others have grown to live without feelings. This is the difference between Living, The Living dead, and The Living Insane.

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15 Step
by YeOldConfederate