Kidnapping Colver [...
By storiesbyshana
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Colver Coffey has always been pretty ordinary; so much so that he may as well have World's Averagest Person tattooed on his forehead. The one thing he is exceedingly good at, however, is the knack of getting into awkward situation at the worst of times. But even he doesn't realise just how bad he has it until he's accidentally kidnapped, dragged along and held hostage in a nationwide drug-deal gone bust. The Black Doves are the deadliest criminal organisation in British history, led by the infamous Sam Black: a man so elusive that no record of his existence has ever been found other than the bloodied carving he leaves behind in the torso of his victims' corpses. With every police office in the country on their tail, a pair of handcuffs and more than a few bullet wounds between them, Colver has no idea how he ended up entangled in their crimes. But most of all, he has no idea what he's in for when he first laid eyes on their notorious leader.

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by storiesbyshana