July 21st
By fariastagram
  • Romance
  • 1920s
  • age
  • flapper
  • jazz
  • love
  • marriage
  • romance
  • twenties


Evelyn Porter is a small-town girl, born and raised in Gustville, Missouri, with a weak mother and an alcoholic father, with only her older brother Warren to protect her. She's never lived on the daring side, although she's longed to be a rebellious flapper, with a gorgeous male to accompany her. She never thought that would happen until one night when she meets Leonardo Fisher- he's tall, intoxicating, handsome, kind, and smitten for Evelyn, or Eve, as he calls her. Together, they fall deeply into a love, traveling the world together and later settling down to get married. But as Leonardo drinking gets worse, and Evelyn loses her rebellious streak, the marriage starts to crumble and all they're left with are the broken pieces of a love that was once so strong.

Chapter One

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July 21st
by fariastagram