Unexpectedly Mine.
By _LilDark
  • Spiritual
  • abused
  • broken
  • brother
  • criminal
  • forced
  • hated
  • inspired
  • loved
  • newyork
  • rejection
  • spiritual
  • turkey
  • worthless
  • youngadultreads


❝Mayin❞ YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ BOOK 1 TO PROCEED THIS. HR # 5 in spiritual HR # 8 in spiritual Murat's Story 👑 She knew nothing of outside word. Her whole life was spent in a small house at the side of the road. Her eyes had never witnessed anything other than blood, her ears had only heard screams and her body had only been carved by scars. But one fateful day everything changes when her version of crazy knight in shinning armor comes and swoops her off her feet. He never had a problem in life, he had viewed life with the soft eye but every good thing comes to an end. His love got married to someone else and he escaped that reality. But never had he ever imagined that his first day in Turkey would turn out to be so eventful. He never thought, he would crash with a girl, become hooked on her and be her savior. They met, They cared, They loved, They fell apart, Because; Somethings aren't meant to be. But can they pick each other's pieces and join them together? They say love is strong! But is it actually? *


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by _LilDark