The Variable
By horseyninja
  • Teen Fiction
  • anxiety
  • horse
  • jumping
  • las
  • love
  • perfect
  • romance
  • vegas


In mathematics, a variable is a value that may change within the scope of a given problem or set of operations. In contrast, a constant is a value that remains unchanged, it remains consistent. And when something is consistent, it can remain in a state of perfection forever.That is something Cosette Iverson is very good at being. Perfect, that is. Everything is just so, just perfect and consistently perfect. She is perfection. But what do you get when add together consistent perfection and a ever changing scope? A equation. And it just seem to be that in this math equation Cosette is the constant and Var, a gift horse from her desist grandmother, is the variable. The grey Selle Francis gelding, is anything but consistent and anything but perfect. With his wild mood swings and uncanny freak outs, Var is the most crazed, unpredictable, narcissistic horse Cosette has ever come across. But to make the variable a constant, you must solve for the variable and that is exactly what she is going to do. But as she digs deeper, trying to figure out what is going through this horses brain, she starts to realize maybe perfection isn't as... well, perfect as it seems. She's starts to slip up showing flaws, and she's starting to like it. The deeper she goes the more confused she is, and it's getting to the point were one of them is going to have to break. But which one will have the weaker will; the constant or the variable?

The Variable

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The Varia...
by horseyninja