From Strangers To S...
By shxdy_shxdow
  • Romance


"Its funny how from 2 ordinary strangers we ended up being soulmates" This story is based for that one person you loved in high school. Yep that crush you had, You know that one person who you think is stunning and in our point of view, you think their lives are perfect. But when you get to know them you realize how hard their lives are, and how much they hide what is happening to them is unbelievable. At first when i got to know Emma {My crush I have been crushing on for 3 years now, } I thought her life was perfect, fun and happy, later on when she called me and said she wanted someone to talk to, because THAT happened, I felt so sorry for her, bare in mind it wasn't any tragic accident. It was a MISTAKE, yes A MISTAKE that caused for THAT to happen. It wasn't meant to happen, but it did. As you are alive today, living your life, even though you might have a shit life, enjoy every part of it............................because "when your dead, there is no going back. "

Chapter 1: Her <3

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From Stra...
by shxdy_shxdow