The Girls of Once U...
By KittenDragon53
  • Fantasy
  • balance
  • change
  • death
  • evil
  • family
  • friendships
  • girls
  • good
  • hate
  • ideas
  • lies
  • life
  • love
  • magic
  • revenge
  • stories
  • time
  • trou
  • trust


"Don't believe the liars: change isn't good or bad, it's in that gray area in between. It's what you make it." "In the end, nature rules all, the moon is our queen, and the stars our saviors." "The terms good and evil change depending on which end of the dagger you're standing on." "Forget picking one world. I'm choosing both. If that doesn't work? I make my own path." "Grief is natural. Cry, weep, then unsheathe your claws and give them hell." "Who says death is the end of all?" "Everything runs in the blood. Skills, traits, feelings. It's all in the blood." "Let the magic flow. Forget the ones who left you, broke you. Pick up the pieces and grow. Let the others fade in your glory." "Let your glow shine through the dust until you're the brightest thing around." "Whoever said metal and magic doesn't mix clearly hasn't experienced life yet." "A demon feeds off of everyone's soul." "Mirrors show you what you don't want to see: the truth. That's why people like other people better than mirrors." "Forget the light. Sometimes we need a dark day brought on by a black dawn to see things the way they really are." "There's a light in all of us." "A crown is worth the experience of the head it sits on, not the gold that it's made out of." ~*~ In this book you'll follow the tales of 15 different girls, and how they change when challenged to make a decision. Due to their differences- society ranks, living styles, planets, worlds, how alive they currently are -one would think that they never actually interact. But the lines between life and death and right and wrong are blurred to the point of no recognition. Time and magic have no limits as, despite not knowing each other, the girls influence each other's lives in greater ways than imaginable. As you read, you can decide if what happens is merely a coincidence, or if there's something more going on under the surface. Fate? Destiny? Read on, and let's see if my tales can satisfy your thirst for a story. . .

Words from the author

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The Girls...
by KittenDragon53