Karasuna Mei: Morbi...
By AimiGen7
  • Adventure


Basically, a really demented version of Dora The Explorer, with Kuroyuri To Kage members. Note: This is not done like a conventional story. It's done more like a movie script. Characters: Karasuna Mei: The leader of the trio. He leads the kids on a dark adventure. He always has his trusty backpack by his side along with his magical recorder. He also likes eyeballs and ambrosia. When not exploring, he's the lead singer of Kuroyuri To Kage. K: Always wearing a mask, he is one of Mei's morbid partners. He like cigarettes and racing. He teaches many Japanese words to the kids. When not racing Mei to the deepest depths of Japan, he is the bassist of Mei's band. Kuro: K's twin brother, he is the more mature one. Rather than wearing a medical mask, he wears eyeglasses. He's also very knowledgeable on the supernatural. When not educating the kids on demons, he's the guitarist of Kuroyuri To Kage.

Episode 1: Aokigahara

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by AimiGen7