Don't Mess Wit...
By -Something_Royal-
  • General Fiction
  • ashestoashes
  • davidbowie
  • dontmesswithmajortom
  • majortom
  • starman
  • ziggy
  • ziggystardust


[~Book One to the Major Tom Series~] "My momma said, 'To get things done, you'd better not mess with Major Tom.'" Major Tom is back on Earth. People want to know what its like in space, the final frontier. Tom doesn't want to talk about it and would like to live without the fact that he's now a star back home. After a few weeks of getting used to Earth's gravity, Tom realizes that his health is getting drastically worse. He's forced to go to the hospital and after being pronounced dead due to lung collapse, he returns to Earth as Tom Greene, a man who never went to the moon, never got the fame, and a man who never dies in that hospital bed. He still calls himself Major Tom, but puts on a different persona of someone who hates the world instead of the press in hopes to make it seem like he isn't the man he was.

Chapter One; I'm Waking Up

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by -Something_Royal-