Everything or Nothi...
By tyaira16
  • Romance
  • ambw
  • bwam
  • dragontattoo
  • lei
  • love
  • shanghai
  • unwanted
  • wanted
  • westbaltimore


If anyone would've told Ty a year ago that she would've fell in love with a Chinese man, got married, and would be imprisoned in a glorious Grecian mansion by a mafia boss... she would've laughed in your face. She is, after all, just a girl from poor girl from West Baltimore that didn't know this world existed until her trip to China last year. As fate would have it, Ty would becomes a part of this world unwillingly and is used to ensure the downfall of Lei. In a wild turn of events, the lovers are pitted against each other in a moment where they need to trust each other the most. Lei is given a chance to save Ty, however at a price that may be too steep to pay. Through the love, lust, lies, ups, and downs of her relationship with Lei, Ty is left to wonder if she if was better off being unwanted, instead of being wanted for these reasons.

Chapter 1

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by tyaira16